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Do You Know How Strong Your Topical Steroids Are?

topical steroids tsw Aug 01, 2024

Have you been informed about the potency of your prescription? 

I won't lie I am not a fan of steroids for eczema. However, I understand that people use them to support their healing. If you are going to use them or if you have in the past you can use the charts below to learn about the classes/potency of different ones. 


Impacts of Steroid Use

I recently came across a study called "Corticosteroid Adverse Effects" that was quite eye-opening. You can read it here: 

"Up to 40% of patients on long-term glucocorticoids develop bone loss leading to fractures"

"Systemic glucocorticoids cause a dose-dependent increase in fasting glucose levels..."

"Glucocorticoids increase the risk of adverse GI effects, such as gastritis, gastric ulcer formation, and GI  bleeding."

More research is being done about the impacts of steroid use. I believe this article is a start to spread awareness of long-term use. 

I hope to spread awareness in hopes patients are granted more information about the prescription drugs they are being prescribed so they can make informed decisions on usage. 

The Candida Course

Do you have eczema around your eyes, mouth, or skin folds? Do you crave sugar? It's likely you have candida overgrowth. This course can help you heal your gut & skin!

You will learn what candida is, why it overgrows and get on a specifically designed supplement and diet protocol to get rid of candida fast and effectively.

Learn More

E-Course: Empowered Eczema

"Will I Have Eczema Flare-Ups Forever?"

Absolutely Not.
It's time you learned why you are flaring and exactly how to heal it.

The 6 modules of the program cover: discovering your root cause, diet/supplement protocols, stress management, non-toxic living, and how to add new foods in after the elimination diet.

Learn More

Ultimate Eczema Food Guide

This is a Google Sheets spreadsheet that will help you look up any whole food and its relationship to eczema like: histamines, candida, SIBO, salicylates, and more

When you purchase it the Google Sheets page will be shared with you!

Get The Guide