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Eczema Healing Slow? 5 Tips to Speed Up Healing!

eczema Jul 27, 2021

5 Tips To Heal Faster


It's ya girl, Coach Michelle. I am writing because I know how frustrating it can be when your skin is healing slower than molasses (American phrase).


I was so frustrated by this that I made it my mission to figure out how to heal faster. Ya know what? I did it too!


TIP 1:
Figure out what foods are causing inflammation for your body ASAP. Keep a journal tracking everything you eat and when you flare. You can also use the Ultimate Eczema Food Guide to look up foods. This guide will tell you if a food is good for the gut, feeds candida, and is high or low in salicylates. 


TIP 2:
You gotta stop scratching. I know, I know, it's soooo hard. Did you know that you can actually train your mind to stop scratching. I explain more about the itch in this video.

TIP 3:
Stop putting on moisturizer that makes your skin redder or itchier. This is 100% a sign that the moisturizer has something in it that your skin doesn't like. Switch to avocado oil.

TIP 4:
Breathe. Deep breathing can calm the nervous system. Most people with eczema and especially people with TSW react severely to stress.

TIP 5:
Get an accountability partner. Find someone in the eczema community that you can count on. The two of you should encourage each other to stick with your holistic healing journey!


Of Course, Get The Course!

While the coaching program doesn't launch again until October, you can still get the Empowered Eczema course! You learn all the same material as the coaching program. The only difference is that it's self-guided.

If you want to heal faster and are self-motivated please check this course out!


The Candida Course

Do you have eczema around your eyes, mouth, or skin folds? Do you crave sugar? It's likely you have candida overgrowth. This course can help you heal your gut & skin!

You will learn what candida is, why it overgrows and get on a specifically designed supplement and diet protocol to get rid of candida fast and effectively.

Learn More

E-Course: Empowered Eczema

"Will I Have Eczema Flare-Ups Forever?"

Absolutely Not.
It's time you learned why you are flaring and exactly how to heal it.

The 6 modules of the program cover: discovering your root cause, diet/supplement protocols, stress management, non-toxic living, and how to add new foods in after the elimination diet.

Learn More

Ultimate Eczema Food Guide

This is a Google Sheets spreadsheet that will help you look up any whole food and its relationship to eczema like: histamines, candida, SIBO, salicylates, and more

When you purchase it the Google Sheets page will be shared with you!

Get The Guide